🌿Patrick Grantism is a great thing! I went to see his talk at Fringe By The Sea on Tuesday in North Berwick. There must have been over 1,000 in the Big Top - and he very kindly acknowledged the few gentlemen in the audience!
🌿Such an inspiring talk about the evolution of clothes, fashion, fast fashion and how we must get back to slow fashion. We need to know where our clothes come from by keeping a circular loop of money within our own economies due to local jobs which also reduces our carbon footprint. It was fascinating to learn that 8 million used to be employed in Britain in the textile trade, now it's less than 100,000. Sad times.
✨He has done a TED talk on it so it's well worth looking it up - all about how your clothing choice can save the world! It's only sixteen minutes long and it will get you thinking. Also, look up his Community Clothing website - Making Clothes, Creating Jobs, Restoring Pride. What an epic way to buy your clothes.
I have signed up to his newsletter and hope to buy when I next need something - not just want something.